Sunday 5 February 2012

Dear world, please stop using Comic Sans

When one thinks to use a sans-serif font in their design, I really do pray to the design gods that they refrain at all costs from using... Comic Sans. Unfortunately, this font falls under the same category as beautiful fonts such as: Univers, Gotham, and Helvetica. Comic Sans in my opinion is no where close to being a brother or sister of these fonts. It's one of the second removed cousins that really shouldn't even be in the family yet is constantly invited to every family event a dreadfully is commonly the centre of attention... of bad design. Unfortunately, some people in the world have decided that this pre-installed font on their computer would look amazing on their company sign, product announcements, posters, chain e-mails, and even a public letter written by Cleveland Cavaliers' NBA owner, Dan Gilbert.

For some unknown reason he chose to use Comic Sans to address a very public note of seriousness and anger. This font should be left to elementary teachers and you would never guess... comic books! Do me favour... no do EVERYONE a favour, take the extra five minutes to chose a font that will make your design seem classy or that e-mail a little more professional.

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